Letter from the Old EICs
June 3rd rapidly approaches in the eyes of us seniors. On one hand, it signifies the day we’ve been looking forward to since freshman year, but on the other, it is the date of our official farewell to The Spectrum.
Before we go, we’d like to say some thanks. First, to our wonderful chief staff: You guys made our experience so memorable. We will greatly miss our school rants, anime discussions, and fun stories about ourselves during Monday meetings. We really were a little family, and we love you guys so much. We’d also like to thank our general staff. Your hardwork and dedication fuel the heart and soul of The Spectrum, and without your contributions, The Spectrum couldn’t do half of what it does today. We will also miss our Thursday meetings, filled with wacky icebreakers, holiday parties, and engaging workshops. Last, but certainly not least, we’d like to thank Ms. Hammond. You were always there to support and guide us, and we felt like we could take on any project with you by our side. We definitely would not have made as many strides as we did without you. Thank you, everybody, for some of the best years of our high school career. We will greatly miss you all, but as we pass on the torch to Rebecca and Jasmine, we know you’ll be more than fine without us. Based on the progress our new staff has made so far, from BITS to fun Instagram stories, we know that The Spectrum couldn’t be in better, more capable hands. Signing off, Anushka and Michelle |