A Guide to the Hidden Gems of the Dictionary
BY SHREE JAYAKRISHNA '25 Looking to sound smart? Learn about the words that will get you there! |
Comic by Kat Khomiakova
Comic by Phoebe Abadi
Comic by Joy Wang
Comic by Kat Khomiakova
Comic by Ella Shishkova
Comic by Phoebe Abadi
Comic by Emily Hiltunen '22
Comic by Kat Khomiakova '25
Comic by Biz Brooks '23
Comic by Phoebe Abadi '23
Comic by Phoebe Abadi '23
Comic by Kat Khomiakova '25
Comic by Phoebe Abadi '23
Comic by Kat Khomiakova '25
What Pet Should You Get? Take This Personality Quiz to Find Out!
Dr. Seuss’s new poem is out: What Pet Should You Get? Jokes aside, these past couple of years have forced us to seriously reconsider our intro/extroversion, so discover which pet best suits your personality and lifestyle now in this fun quiz.
Dr. Seuss’s new poem is out: What Pet Should You Get? Jokes aside, these past couple of years have forced us to seriously reconsider our intro/extroversion, so discover which pet best suits your personality and lifestyle now in this fun quiz.
COVID Conspiracies
Conspiracy theories are like gossip—we claim we don’t care, but we secretly indulge in them when no one’s looking. I personally have a soft spot for conspiracy theories. By conspiracy theories, I mean harmless ones, not the antisemetic and anti-government propaganda that circulates in the Facebook groups of thirty-year-olds. Here are some of my favorite theories: Tupac Shakur is actually alive and lives in Ghana, the color white is an optical illusion, and Harry Potter was actually written by Daniel Radcliffe (I mean, c’mon! The man basically described himself in those books)...
Conspiracy theories are like gossip—we claim we don’t care, but we secretly indulge in them when no one’s looking. I personally have a soft spot for conspiracy theories. By conspiracy theories, I mean harmless ones, not the antisemetic and anti-government propaganda that circulates in the Facebook groups of thirty-year-olds. Here are some of my favorite theories: Tupac Shakur is actually alive and lives in Ghana, the color white is an optical illusion, and Harry Potter was actually written by Daniel Radcliffe (I mean, c’mon! The man basically described himself in those books)...
The Problem with Projects by Emily Hiltunen