Sappy Spectrum Staff Say Sayonara to Spicy Senior Staff
Dear Jasmine,
Oh, where shall we be next year without your wise guidance? Whether it be helping editors through awkward Zoom calls or dreaming up fun icebreakers, your knack for working through sticky situations has been indispensable in helping The Spectrum run smoothly. In honor of your twinning moments with the other half of Rezberry Jams, your thoughtful edits, and that one time you burned your ballet shoes on Zoom, we raise a glass of LaCroix Pamplemousse Pink Grapefruit. Cheers to graduating and congratulations! Dear Rebecca, Inspiring, passionate, queen of quirkiness, we peasants bow to your majestic vocabulary and enthusiasm for the hallowed paper we sacrifice years of our lives (or rather, our sanities :)) to produce. Indeed, we know no one more capable of challenging writers to use their noggins in ways they never comprehended. From professing your love for em dashes or being a walking advertisement for our beloved newspaper (dedication at its finest!), we will sorely miss your passion and beautiful slideshow presentation skills. As the wise Ocean Vuong once said, “In a world as myriad as ours, the gaze is a singular act: to look at something is to fill your whole life with it, if only briefly,” so thank you for giving your all to The Spectrum! Dear Milena, We will forever miss your insightful captions and titles. Sadly, we won’t be getting any more cat updates during Layout weeks. Your perfected technique in shoving newspapers at the perfect angle will be imparted to future Spectrum-ers for years to come, and we will always think of you when we see a newspaper hang out at the incorrect angle. Loose pages go in, edges go out. We’ll miss your concentrated “driving face” during pixelated Zoom meetings on your way to volleyball practice! Dear Sophie W., Thank you for being an unlimited fountain of Indesign knowledge. Frankly, we will probably still need your help even after you graduate…. Layout weeks won’t be the same without your dedication and pulling those crazy late nights. We are going to miss all the wisdom you brought next year! Dear Amelia, Thanks for the help in Pub-Fin! While it was difficult to return to normal after the pandemic, your help in the Pub-Fin department contributed to reviving our lovely paper. Congrats on graduating! Dear Fran, Our beloved. Is there anything more iconic than that pink stone ring, a different pair of earrings each day, and heart-shaped glasses? We think not. From your stresses over Wuthering Heights to your commendable hatred of Jake Gyllenhaal, it is hard to find someone who has taken as deep of a nosedive into pop culture. You always worked so hard to keep Publicity and Finance running, and we know you’ll do amazing things going forward. Dear Sophie Z., Thank you for being our number one muchacha! It’s going to be hard to imagine The Spectrum without your aesthetic outfits and general quirkiness. Taro’s cute appearances on Zoom will be forever missed, and, of course, we’ll miss your insightful news analyses too <3 Dear Belle, Your K-drama and anime recommendations truly brighten our lives even beyond The Spectrum. We’ll miss your “male-lead-in-a-K-drama fits,” weekly Attack on Titan episode discussions, and the incredible energy you brought to every meeting made our meetings better and better every single time. Also, I [Grace] want to personally thank you for the incredibly helpful, detailed comments that you left on each of my Forte drafts. Without you, I think I would’ve left all the non-musicians out there scratching their heads, wondering what “vernacular music” was. Your dedication to the writing process really challenged us to think outside of the proverbial box, and, for that, we are eternally grateful <3 Dear Olivia, You are the cutest box hermit that ever graced The Spectrum. Your indispensably wise comments always made us send virtual finger hearts, especially during first and second drafts, when we wanted to drive a message home to the writer but didn’t want to resort to writing passive aggressive emails. Your presence at Speccy meetings made humble 152 West a happier place, and we will miss you lots next year! Dear Supria, Thank you for your insight in running Off The Spectrum and putting together both entertaining and enlightening episodes for our ears to absorb. Even with the small team we had, we managed to pull off some pretty fun stuff, and for that we thank our lovely Podcast Director. |