Letter from the EICS
Springtime Haiku:
Springtime brings flowers, To you, we may glower if, You do not read this Hello, little cherry blossoms. Although you may be a bit frosted over right now (thanks a lot, Punxsutawney Phil), you can rest assured that warmer and longer days are just around the corner! Well, maybe if that corner is the Four Corners in the Southwestern U.S. Anyway, all this talk about the future of springs, winters, and the general climate has us wondering about Mother Nature’s destiny. Is our path toward climate catastrophe irreversible? Join us as we navigate through our intertwining destinies, some of them self-inflicted and others forced upon us. From a date with Destiny personified—who has a scarily accurate knack for prognostication—to an analysis of Destiny’s Child and other girl groups, all of your questions, comments, and concerns regarding your destiny can be found in the lovely folded paper in your eager grasp. Also, keep an eye out for other nuggets of reading delight: Native American flute music, an interview with AB’s Quiz Bowl, a fresh edition of Love Doc and much more await you! So go on, get reading, champ! Au revoir, Emily et Adi |